10 Jahre nach Rio...

...und WIU bekommt eine Einladung nach Amsterdam.

31. August 2002 MALAKTION mit den "Friends of the Earth":

...auf geht's

Die ersten Bilder des Tages...

Diese Photos haben wir von der Web-Seite unserer Partner -millieudefnesie.nl- übernommen. Eigene Dia-Aufnahmen sind noch in der "Entwicklung & e-Wandlung" :))

watch out...!

LINK zu: MILLIEUDEFENSIE.NL und mehr Bildern vom Tage

WIU auf der Brücke...

Die WIU - Malaktion wird,
in einer der Brücke angepassten Form, auf dem Vorplatz des Capitols in Amsterdam stattfinden.

WIU auf der Brücke...

Eine direkte Video-TV-Verbindung nach Johannisburg, zur Tagung "10 Jahre nach Rio" wird dazu eingerichtet.

31 August in Amsterdam (De Dam)

-with a life broadcast Amsterdam - Johannesburg-

You are cordially invited to attend "Making a humane world" : This activity for youngsters will take place on 31 August at the Dam in the centre of Amsterdam from 13-15,30. During a symbolical construction of the so-called Johannesbrug ("Johannes-bridge"), "a giant bridge with Jonannesburg-WSSD" by the Friends of the Earth Netherlands "Milieudefensie" (www.milieudefensie.nl) in collaboration with more than 50 NGOs, a multicultural group of children will bring a "humane world" to the bridge.

The Earth (a circle three meters round) will be painted ecologically by children under the guide of German artists of the World In Union. Next the children will bring the painted Earth to the bridge with a purifying dance made by a children theatre of the Soka Gakkai of Breda. After the dance a rainbow of flags will appear showing principles of love; peace; freedom; care for nature; care for the Earth; equality; and justice. These are the principles that are part of the Earth Charter (www.earthcharter.org ).

"Making a humane world" is organised by the Globus Institute at Tilburg University, Terra Curanda www.terracuranda.org ), World In Union (www.wiu.org ) and the Dutch Soka Gakkai (www.sgined.nl ) with the financial support of the NCDO (www.ncdo.nl ), offering in a language especially addressing youngsters an ethical perspective on global interdependence following the series of conferences "Global Ethics for a Humane World" (globus.kub.nl/conference ).

Coordination: Patricia Morales








Ich will dabei sein...